ROSI Energy Iberia


ROSI Energy Iberia is a subsidiary of French company ROSI that aims to put " Deeptech " at the service of tomorrow's circular economy. We are committed to offering innovative solutions to recycle raw materials from the photovoltaic industry.

We master the industrial and technological challenges of our sector. We are convinced that we can evolve it to make it circular. It is with this target in mind that we are committed to developing our proprietary and innovative technologies that will promote the industrial transformation of our partners.

Our team is above all technical and made up of dynamic, autonomous, committed employees whose diversity of origin and background are essential to our business project. The values we promote? Listening, mutual aid, collective agility, pragmatism.

As part of our expansion plan, we have kicked off the construction of a high-value recycling site for solar panels in the town of Puebla de Híjar (in Teruel), which will be operational in 2025. Join the challenge!

For more information:

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